Laundry, Spending Money, and Electronics


As you see in the Packing List, we ask you to pack around one week’s worth of clothing. Teens are responsible for doing their own laundry at regular intervals during the summer, and will have the support of Beyond Akeela staff, as needed. Please pack a laundry bag, as they will not be provided by camp. Camp provides detergent (free of scents and perfumes) and dryer sheets for teens to use. Doing laundry is free in the dorm.

Spending Money

One of the goals of Beyond Akeela is to help teens manage their money independently. We recommend campers bring spending money with them for personal purchases, such as souvenirs or gifts for family. We suggest families send their teen with no more than $200 in spending money. Some families prefer to send their camper with a prepaid debit card rather than cash to mitigate the risk of loss. We also suggest not sending your teen with a credit or debit card with access to more than $200. All meal and activity expenses for the summer will be covered by Beyond Akeela.

Electronics Policy

One of the ways we provide positive experiences for our teens is by limiting electronics in our camp environment, thereby encouraging our campers to socialize through facilitated activities and free time. We thank you in advance for your cooperation with and support of these policies. Any item that makes phone calls, accesses the internet, or has screen content of any kind (games, videos, etc.) is not permitted at camp.

Permitted Electronics
– Mp3 Player without game/video content
– E-Reader without game/video content
– Digital or Disposable Camera

Prohibited Electronics
χ – Cell Phone
χ – iPad or other tablet
χ – Any electronic device that contains games, video content, or cell service
χ – DVD Player
χ – Laptop / Computer
χ – Handheld video gaming system
χ – Video Camera

Additional Electronics Notes:
1. We recognize that most digital cameras have the ability to record videos. We ask campers and staff to refrain from taking videos inside of the dorm rooms.
2. Camp is not responsible for replacing electronic devices brought to camp, which may be damaged or lost.
3. Any prohibited items that are brought to camp will be collected and held by camp until the end of the session.
4. We recognize that cell phones are important for teens to have if they are travelling independently to camp. Teens should have their phone with them until they have safely met with a staff member at the airport.

Family Handbook Table of Contents

    1. Camp Forms and Campanion
    2. Travel and Luggage
    3. Health Care: Medications, Health Communication, Medical Charges, Other Health Concerns
    4. Packing List and Purchasing Camp Clothing
    5. Laundry, Electronics Policy, and Spending Money
    6. Communication: Camper E-mail, Phone Calls, Family Communication
    7. Food at Beyond Akeela
    8. Success at Beyond Akeela
    9. Camper Code of Conduct